In the event of observations of active nests do it in great care always have to put the birds first. Do not in anyway obstruct the feedings. Another important notes to consider is to be careful to whom you disclose. This is to avoid unnecessary attentions to the nest. It is advisable not to disclose rare birds spp active nesting. If the birds chase you away do back off, even you are doing birds behaviour data collections.
Woodpeckers or we fondly recognise them as WOODY the woodpecker are unmistakable by all.
Their existence play an important roles in the forest eco-system. They in directly contributing control the health of tree trunk by pecking them to source out ants, termites for it's food. Woodpeckers also helps in the cycle of decay and regenerations by pecking at dead wood/tree trunk. This would make it possible for other decomposing organism.
Woodpeckers foraging methods.
It gleans – pick ups with it's beak. It also extends it's thin fine tongue to extract insects from deep wood cracks. I do manage to observe that they have fine thin long line tongue but those actions are too quick for me to document them.
Climbing methods.
It used toes backward and forward, use it's wedge shape tail to support it's body.
Does woodpecker have headache after hard pecking.
Woodpecker brain is being cushioned from all the impact of hitting hard on tree trunk
Woodpecker practice recycle
Woodpecker has been observe by others that nest-hole is not excavated in every nesting sesson. Old holes would be use/recyle.
How does woodpecker feeds their chicks.
Through out my observations with some friends we notice that the adult birds would do regurgitations. The adult birds would not carry any fresh food to comes back to the nest but after it's own feedings. I do noticed that it would peched at certain spots quietly. This actions of perched quietly may give me a conclusion that it allow times for foods to be process ready for it's chicks. Just before some minutes before it about to feeds, the parent birds would gives call to alert their chicks. Through this observation we notice that the caring of the young chicks done by the participations of both male and female birds.
This is a moments that it about to feeds it's chick, some foods from its beak but not fresh foods. Regurgitations is when a bird throws up small amounts of food with the intention of feeding it to a loved one.
Do notice the white layer at it's eyes, it is called nictating membrane
Notice it has it's nictating membrane down to protect it's eyes from being damage during feedings
This is feedings done one day before the male chick fledge. The chicks has grown and occupied alot of space in their nest. There are no space for the parents to enter to the nest. In the earlier stage during feedings the parent bird may enter entirely inside the nesting hole.
When leave the nest, their youngs even it's calls have not yet developed would be capable to climb and to fly..this facts amaze me.
In this nestling of two chicks male and female. The male bird is stronger therefore on 13th of Aug around 8:20am the male chick fledge , it just flew to the tallest stem of a neigbouring tree. Witness by Uncle Kong and Kam Su
This is the male chick one day before it comes out from the comfort of this nest. Both he and his sister are very anxious of the outside world. They would very early pooked out their head in this manner.On 14th of Aug about 9:15am as I sat on my working desk... peeep...peep I receive and SMS that reads “the second and last chick just fledged witness by Makus and myself”.
Woooh more woody for us to see and heart leaps for joy
This is what Uncle Kong detailed out
On tuesday morning 14th of Aug 2007
First, the parents both would come. Perched on neighbouring trees urging the Daughter to fly. The baby also replied but took no action.
The mother flew down to the nest, gave her one feeding. Next she just stood there. The baby made an unpredecented appearance while the mother stood at the entrance. I suppose was unnatural for the mother there and not feeding.
The baby pecked the mother
The mother flew off.
Short while later at 8.28 am. The baby darted out from the nest, moderately fast. Avoiding the floliages just 3 feet away, sort of dipped a couple of feet. Up again into the tree opposite near the shed.
It slided down another 5 feet from the first perched. Spent about 10 minutes learning its grip. That was when Makus & I shot.
She finaly get out from the comfort of this excavating hole. How long they stays in this hole ? This question I could not answer cause all this observations was done in their later stage of nesting.